EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme - Open E-tendering Platform
Online application for inclusion in the Consultants List and / or Contractors List
All electrical contractors who are included in the register of registered electrical contractors kept by the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services under Regulation 10(1) of the Electricity (Registration) Regulations (Cap. 406 Sub. Leg.) can apply for including the name of the company in the Consultants List and / or Contractors List on this open e-tendering platform so as to receive new tender notices.
Click here to make an application on-line
Account Activation
Registered electrical contractors which have already applied for inclusion in the Consultants List and / or Contractors List are required to click here for completion of account activation.
Click here to activate account
1) Companies already on the Consultants List and / or Contractors List and who have already activated their accounts can access their accounts directly to view and download the tender notices, project information and tender documents of projects for tendering.
2) Consultants and contractors should update particulars and information of the company regularly.
Click here to login
Forgot Password / Reset Password
1) If you forget the login password; or
2) You are required by the system to reset the password every 90 days
Click here to reset the password